Movies? Stories? Well, my name is Diego Arguedas. I was born in 1997, I'm from Costa Rica, I'm a college student, I study English, and my passion is put into these projects: Blog and YouTube channel. What do you do when you watch a movie? (aside of just sitting in a chair  and eating popcorn like a squirrel) Huh? You have fun, right? You enjoy with your friends, family, that significant other (Maybe Netflix and chill is a familiar concept, right?) and escape reality for a few hours (or the whole month or lifetime if you're watching a TV series). Or even by yourself. You can get emotional sometimes, and the movie may get you thinking about a certain topic. Take you to a different world. You might relate to some interesting characters that may transform into being one of your favorite things in life.

Cinema is my passion for eternity. I think you might love it, too!

     I wanna share this passion through this blog and the YouTube channel. Creating fictional stories and talking about actual movies. As my favorite colors are red and black, these symbolize my day and night: Spider-Man and Batman, two of my favorite characters in the whole world! Everything is awesome. Both the SPIDER-WEB and BATCAVE are the setting for some stories around already existing characters and themes in movies overall.  

I know I know, the Batman below is blue, so what? He's still phenomenal.

    And this is my special myself! Exceptionally handsome, right? He's a hoot, hope you enjoy hanging out with him! (yeah, kinda speaking in third person... oh, the Tyler Durden influence).

      Here I post my thoughts on movies reviews, jokey conversations in the Spider-web, serious and suitably dark therapies with in the Batcave, own fictional stories, and a lot more. I hope you enjoy this roller-coaster ride. Be part of the Alphas! As X-Men would say... Mutant and proud. 

To conclude, you can follow me through social media by clicking in the buttons in the upper-right corner of the page. I also invite you to join my Patreon campaign

I want to express myself and connect with you people. After all, I'm not the only creator of the content... because you guys are part of this journey too. We're in this together.

Join the cinematic family, fellow alpha!



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