lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

SAUSAGE PARTY - Movie Review

HIGHWAY TO HELL (Food Edition)

When was the last time someone told you that a movie about food with a lot of swears in their quite sophisticated vocabulary actually existed? Get prepared for the major R-rated raunchy comedy of the year in the world of animation ('cause Deadpool took that title in the live-action dimension of cinema).

Scope: having a supermarket as the main setting is not only a very bold idea, but also quite a clever one. Although there are some events happening in someone else's living room or kitchen here and there throughout the movie, the central setting gives focus to the movie by acting as the tool for world-building. You get to know the different types of food as they all live by certain rules and social class division ethics. In a way, diversity is celebrated within the peculiar universe created by comedian Seth Rogen who is the voice of the main character.

The setting is vital because it's the storytelling device that gives characters the development they need in order to accomplish their goals. And why a supermarket? Because it's their home, and this concept plays a significant role in the third act which I won't spoil. The social commentary was impressive, indeed.

Main Character: Seth Rogen brought his comedic talent to the table once again. Frank, the principal and courageous sausage of the gang, is the heart and brain of the film, undoubtedly. His quest to find himself and be the ultimate leader of his people (or food better said... hilarious) sets very interesting questions. And that's where the character may falter a bit. Political questions about lies that mask horrible truths are for sure a high and bold point of the movie, but the nature of "love" that Frank portrays sometimes plays an unnecessary role. It may bore you or entertain you because you're either with the guy and the bun, the girl he likes, or not and be constantly disgusted.

Although his character may not seem exactly an "interesting" character, the way he challenges obstacles remains entertaining because it's not something you would normally see in a movie with such absurdity within the premise. The imagery exposed in the second act is subtly thought-provoking. Obviously you'll still eat food even though you're watching them die in right in front of your wide eyes (you'll be in awe, trust me), but Frank's presence is an allusion to lost souls that discover horrifying truths by being against all odds and suffering losses of friends. This may seem bullshit but hey, you might interpret something similar as well once you finished watching the film. This movie has a certain level of depth.

Supporting Characters: This department is a miss and a hit. Some are accurately exaggerated and some may just become worryingly annoying. For example, the humans? I never really thoroughly believed their behavior because how incredibly violent they act in certain situations. Except for one hilarious and relatable human character, the rest are just CGI creations that move around to bring the hilarious drama to the pitiful circumstances that food suffer.

The bun... didn't quite work for me. She became kind of unlikable because her character development and dialogue went to a direction where it didn't hit the right spot. Some singing of her and some lines that were supposed to be funny... were not. They were actually kind of jarring to watch because her personality didn't really match with the other supporting characters or Frank. As far as supporting characters go, the rest of them pay off emotionally satisfying, especially the duo and the taco up there in the picture, as well as the religious punk down there (one of the best parts of the movie). As for the movie villain... It was fun at first because of the insane cruelty it portrayed, but then it became tedious and repetitive to the point where you're asking yourself "is it gonna die soon or what?". Fortunately, the closure to that character is immensely hilarious.

Themes: Along with the risks of the screenplay, the themes of this movie are the most surprising elements of the whole thing by far. The questioning of self-existence and the extreme adoration to idols two of the main themes explored throughout this animated movie about food running around and saying words like "fuck" or "asshole". Yes, you read this right, this is not a joke.

The journey of Frank has some very interesting subtext that adds up to the quality of the story very nicely. The drama, horror, and comedy elements blend harmoniously, and this is the major virtue of movie. When the movie hits heavy stuff about the inner spirit, political issues, and social beliefs, the story and the characters reach an unexpected quality that allows the movie to flow smoothly within the intense moments. I think it's better to leave this factor of the movie vaguely because once you're in the ride and pay close attention, you'll get a few satisfying surprises. Or it may just result in the will to vomit after seeing such a delirious film.

Writing: If there is one element to admire or even applaud to the sheer nature of the film, it's definitely the boldness to portray humor the way Sausage Party does. I can't spoil jokes for you! A lot of them are in the dialogue, in the visual imagery, in the themes, and in the situational circumstances. Everything. This movie understands its humor and executes the potential of it to extreme yet effective levels. I can't say much else other than I loved the humor. My cheeks were nearly exploding more than once.

Jaw-dropping is the word to describe the third act until its very end. Believe me, those last five minutes or so will shock you. Enter with an open mind.

Storytelling Balance: Sometimes the pacing and the tone were kind of off in very particular situations, but they don't compromise the film. The elements that, once again, may compromise the story for the viewer is the insanity of the plot and the scenarios and how much can the viewer digest. First act? really good, sets up the characters and the world effectively until the conflict fleshes out during the second act. This act is where the viewer may drop the ball because the repetition of ideas and some jokes may be tiresome. But patience! The third act is just pure joy and full of awe. Cinema as its most daring level. It's okay to question yourself "how in the living hell am I still watching this?", because that's essentially human.

In the end, this movie is incredibly hilarious, either if the situational circumstances and/or visual gags were stupid or surprisingly clever. Although some characters didn't quite live up to their role and name during the movie, the lack of some of their charisma is saved by the insane humor, once again. The Great Beyond of this movie relies upon the imagination and guts of the storytelling and deep themes blended with raunchy and clever jokes. Want to have a good laugh for nearly two hours? If you feel like in the mood for adult and immature humor at the same time, this is the movie for ya!


So! What did you think about this movie? Enjoyed it or hated it? Do you want to see sequels of this massacre of food? Leave your comments below!

You can find me here!


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